Thursday, July 3, 2008

Anna's Seven

OK... it took me a month, but I did finally get around to it. Poor second child.

Here are seven fun and/or interesting and/or little known facts about Anna at 10-months old:

1) Anna has six teeth that have broken through her gums: four on top, two on the bottom. Note: she is not afraid to use them.

2) Anna can climb up the stairs -- and has been known to tumble down the stairs from now and again (OK - it was just two times!).

3) Anna "the banana" proves the point why you never name your daughter Grace or Chastity or any other positive virtue: Anna HATES bananas.

4) Anna adores her big brother, Owen. Owen has to be "banished" to the downstairs when putting Anna to sleep -- otherwise she keeps looking around for him so he can make her giggle!

5) Proving to have a personality all her own, Anna distinguishes herself from her brother's behavior at the same age: every item that is within sight is grasped at... and whatever makes it into her claws goes into the mouth. That includes dirt, sticks, shoes and things we still haven't quite identified. (Good thing mom is CPR certified!)

6) Anna also sets herself apart from her brother in another way: a love for water. Anna loves taking baths and swimming in the pool. I predict she'll be swimming before her big brother.

7) Not only did it take a month for mom to get around to writing seven facts about Anna, not one word (not even her name) has been written into Anna's baby book yet! It is shameful how Mom (a neglected second-child herself) eschews her memory keeping responsibilities.

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