Tuesday, June 3, 2008

I got tagged

So, I am new at this... and not sure I fully understand the "rules." But - from what I can pick up - I have to list seven interesting facts about each Owen & Anna... and then tag someone else!

Here goes...


1) Owen hates sleeping... most of all in his bed. Most nights you'll find him either sleeping with Mommy (until Daddy comes to bed) or on the floor (either next to Mommy or in his room).

2) Owen loves his baby sister Anna. He hugs her, tickles her and comforts her. He is a very sweet big brother.

3) Owen is a whiz on all things wheeled: his trike, his big-boy bike and even his Razor.

4) Owen is terrified of the water. From his first baths as a newborn to just yesterday, Owen shrieks during bath time.

5) Owen cautions everyone who leaves to go on a car trip: "Watch out for cars and for animals." Often times he will make a long, specific list of animals to watch out for including moose.

6) Owen has a special animal friend named June. Her first name was Annie and she was discovered the weekend Mommy and Anna went away for the first time. Her name changed to June and it has stuck... as has his need to carry her around and sleep with her! (Note: Annie and June are the girl characters from Owen's favorite show, Little Einsteins.)

7) Owen is a very cooperative boy when it comes to personal care services - haircuts, dentists, doctors. Never any screaming or fuss. He's a model patient.

Phew... this is a lot of work. While I think of the list of seven for Anna, I tag Jaccob C. (although he has no blog, he's got to email me!)

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